THIS WILL BE A LONG ONE. I came home from the movies a while ago. I went to see Captain America. I'm not proud of it, but my friends went and I was tagged along. Now, the movie is made by Americans to Americans, full of patriotic stuff. I actually got the impression that Americans think they won the WWII by themselves...
Interestingly, I went to piratebay (Give me a break, Yeah, piracy is bad but I spend all the money I can in the movies or buying DVD's, it's not enough to satisfy my desire for movies. Besides, I'm evil).
I found a discussion on one of the comment sections, that showed me Americans are actually as stupid as I feared.
" LuxLOL às 2011-02-05 17:05 CET:
Are the european film makers to stupit to make films in english.
Even if it looks good i will not watch it because it's not in english. "
Of course, this Brought upon Luxlol the wrath of European guys, specially Sweden and Norwegian (it's a Swedish site, and the comment page belongs to a Norwegian movie). They pointed out that English isn't the only language in the world, among other things. Then some other stupid american came along, make your own opinion about his comment:
"kyle10855 às 2011-06-04 04:54 CET:
@ P-dot,
actually the US and it's media ARE the center of the universe....
The US pumps more money through Hollywood than most other countries have in total circulation. No country has a bigger movie bugdet than Hollywood production companies. The fact that you call people ignoranuses for wanting a movie in English is ridiculous. Most movies that get released to theatres worldwide are english movies from America. Don't be such a lame ass. We (Americans, and the rest of the movie loving world) want english movies. Next time you are belittling others and touting your academic prowess, remember you're just a self righteous ass with a chip and a keyboard.
kyle10855 às 2011-06-04 05:04 CET:
and if you haven't been already, try visiting America. Most people that come here never want to leave. Some of the richest, most powerful people in the world live here. The rest of them visit frequently. Almost all never want to leave. That's why our culture is so diverse. It's because behind all national pride and rich history, we actually are the shit. No, seriously, we are literally the greatest nation in the world, and one of the greatest nations that has ever existed. get a fucking clue. You even learn english!!! Why? Out of necessity. Why don't I know yours? because your language doesn't matter. If i lived and died without ever learning it i wouldn't miss a thing. The world DOES revolve around America. Anyone who denies it is an idiot."
After this, reason comes into the discussion again:
"mrmeagain às 2011-06-04 13:27 CET:
People like you makes me sad, brainwashed since day one and your perspective on the world is totally fucked up.
Yes you have some rich and "powerful" people, but what about the rest 99% ?
You have a fucked up public education system and the social welfare system (if there is one to begin with with) is way beyond helpfull. You have insurance companies who take advantage of the 99% and I could continue like this to make a small book...
If I were you I wouldnt sit there and preach for us what you have been taught (manipulated) since day one, try to open your eyes and maybe it is not to late for you to realize that the world is bigger than US&A.
The $ comes before the person in your so called utopia. I rather live in any other places than yours where i can think freely without having this propagande brainwashed into my head."
"kyle10855 às 2011-06-05 09:18 CET:
@ mrmeagain
YOU FEEL SORRY FOR PEOPLE LIKE ME??? with all the disparity in the world, the american with an opinion is what pulls on your heartstrings!!!!! I appreciate your concern.
I am brainwashed??? I don't have the first clue about what I'm talking about? America is such a terrible place??? Hey!!! I have an idea, next time you're online trolling for more American movies why don't you google American inventors. Since I'm such a dumb American pig, why don't you print off all the pages of information on them. I could never figure that out! I'll tell you what, if you could pick up the stack of paper 2 inches off the ground I'll admit i'm wrong. We should Skype this!!!! people could tune in to see if your up to the challenge of HOLDING all the pages written about great American inventors!!!! We can post the video and live feed information here. Oh! and when you can't, i'll be there to chime in with a well placed "On behalf of all Americans, you're welcome for most great advancements in the last 300 years".
It's literally been a non stop ride since 1776 carrying the entire world. And Americans rarely complain about donating more food to third world countries, sending aide to places like haiti, japan, etc, and putting up with the rest of the world's problems.
OPEN MY EYES??? Why don't you!!!! America is a great country and you are an uneducated idiot. Welfare system? You're saying we don't give enough to the poor?????? And THAT'S why we are so uncivilized???? because we don't give enough to the poor???? Are you fucking serious??? We give enough. There will always be poor people, ALWAYS. that's the world. What Dr Suess book did you study economics from???"
kyle10855 às 2011-06-05 09:59 CET:
You know what?! I'm sorry, I've been going about this the wrong way. I should have started with a 'You're Welcome"............You're Welcome for.......
Vehicle Airbags, artificial neurons, pacemakers, automatic vehicle transmissions, electron emission microscopy, barcodes, the bathysphere, bifocals, black lights, breakfast cereal, bubblegum, bulldozers, C (high level programming language), cash registers, cigarettes, coca-cola, cotton candy, cotton swabs, crayons, credit cards, dental floss, direct current, electric guitars, electrophotography, email, equatorial sextants, escalators, ethernet, fax, the ferris wheel, fire sprinklers, flashlights, gas lasers, global positioning systems, hypertexts, holographic drives, industrial robots, integrated circuits, THE INTERNET, jeans, k-y jelly, kinetoscopes, lambda calculus, laser printers, light-emitting diodes (LED's), lightning rods, liquid crystal displays (LCD's), Magnetic strips, microprocessors, microwave ovens, nanoimprint lithography, nanolasers, napalm, neutron bombs, nuclear power plants, nuclear submarines, Nylon, obsidian hydration systems, oil wells, optical mouse, particle accelerators, personal computers, photosensitive glass, plasma displays, the QWERTY keyboard, radar guns, radiocarbon dating, acoustic microscopes, segways, shopping carts, solar cells, water fuel cells, supermarkets, tasers, tea bags, teddy bears, telephones, ticker tape, traffic cones, transistors, twist ties, typewriters, UBV photometric system, etc.......
Next time you warm something up in a microwave, remember to thank the Red, White and Blue for all we've given you."
j0naht às 2011-06-11 14:08 CET:
@kyle You are embarrassing yourself and other americans by saying ignorant things. Remember what you say on the internet will probably be there forever. The pirate bay is a Swedish website. We cannot have sites like this in America because the american movie and recording industry owns our politicians, so have some respect if you are going to use a swedish site to download free movies. If it weren't for the people and ideas of the rest of the world, america would not be the country it is today. Our entire space program came from German scientists. I love my country too, but I know the united states is not the best at everything. Be humble my friend. We have a lot yet to learn from the rest of the world as we always have, and they have some things to learn from us as well. Looking forward to watching this movie!
Danzk às 2011-07-09 02:16 CET:
Did you even realize while listing up all the "American gifts to the world" how wrong you are in many of those cases, and that a vast majority of your listed inventions aren't really anything to be proud of (i.e. napalm, cotton candy, cigarettes) due to being of negative nature to human society and/or the environment.
Also, the US health care, education, legislation, taxation law (i.e. import and export law), government spending, racial, religious and sexual "parity", barriers for private entrepreneurs, government intervention in environmental issues (and so forth) lack stability and are very inefficient in many cases, but most importantly they are unfair and have a severe lack of general planning and logic. These are few of the reasons why many countries such as the Nordic countries have a higher standard of living that the United States. And as comes to e.g. the Swedish system with free education and healthcare, reasonable direct taxation, government welfare etc. I see no reason for arguing why the United States of America is based on a superior foundation than many other nations in the world.
I prefer living in a country which cares for its citizens; where succeeding isn't impossible and where your tax money is an investment for your children's full education and your family's potential future illnesses. Rather than living in a country which exploits its citizens monetarily for every choice they make, for every misfortune they happen to be exposed to.
It could be a very educational experience for you to visit another country, stay there for a year or so, try to learn the language, try to understand the system, the culture, the history and heritage, and make new friends.
For narrow-minded, stubborn people like yourself it might be difficult and possibly frightening to learn to accept that the system within which you live, is not the greatest in the world, although your glorious nation is powerful and a vast contributor to modern technological advancements, that I don't deny."
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